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We Are Tripo

We're creating the best in interactive entertainment by making games that change the way people have fun.

Welcome to NFT Hunter, the ultimate online gaming app that takes you on an exhilarating journey through the world of blockchain-powered gaming and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

About NFT Hunter: NFT Hunter is an innovative gaming platform that combines the thrill of traditional video games with the groundbreaking technology of blockchain and NFTs. As a player, you are not only immersed in captivating gameplay but also have the opportunity to collect, trade, and showcase unique NFTs that hold real-world value and ownership.

Collect and Own Rare NFTs: Unlike traditional in-game items or skins that hold limited value, NFT Hunter introduces a revolutionary system where every asset, character, and item is a rare and distinct NFT. As you progress in the games, you'll encounter exclusive NFTs that can be collected and added to your digital treasure chest. Each NFT is unique, verifiable on the blockchain, and truly owned by you.

What We Are About

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Pumped up on Monster or fine Italian Coffee, we keep our minds wired to new ideas on this constant evolving game.



It all starts with YOU...without you this would not be possible so we listen to what you want or bugs that you find. All we ask is you have patience with us we are just a small team of 2.

Meet the Most Handsome Developers

Our Studio in 

a Nutshell

Our gaming studio is fun because we believe in creating engaging gameplay experiences that keep players entertained and excited. We embrace the weird by incorporating quirky and imaginative elements, setting our games apart from the mundane and predictable. Additionally, we add a touch of scariness to our games, providing adrenaline-pumping moments that challenge players' courage and immerse them in thrilling, heart-pounding adventures. The combination of fun, weirdness, and scariness ensures that our games offer an unforgettable and captivating gaming journey for players of all tastes and preferences.

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