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Garage Project helper


WE give power to the average joe or professional contractor when it comes to your PROJECTS

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Why buy this app? Well look at the power it can do.


So the problem we found when customers were wanting quotes for their projects was TIME

Over a 1 month period of calling various building supply stores across Canada and USA asking for quotes on Garages, decks or Fences. 

We found out how cumbersome it was to just get a simple quote. I was told many reasons why.

Here were some of the reasons...yes the last one was real.

."Sorry its not my department you can email them here"

."Oh i cant say a ballpark you have to come in"

."Once you pay we can fire off a quote for you in 3 working days"

."Whats a quote?"

So this is where Project Helper came in. No more will you wait in line or ask to see a material breakdown list of your project. 

With Project Helper you can calculate all what you need in less then 35 seconds with little or zero experience.
If you can turn on a phone you can use Project Helper, we changed the waiting game for quotes and gave the power back to the customer.

We also take pride in the accuracy of the Project calculator and we constantly strive to update and improve the apps performance.
Why buy this app? click to find out.

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