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Filter Face Masks and their Ratings

These are the common ratings you will come across in most hardware stores...ok lets go


N95 N99 N100

The N series are not oil resistant they can only protect against solid and liquid that do not contain any oil particles.


Resistant to oil, solid, liquid and aerosol particulates that contain oil. 8 hour service life before it needs to be replaced.


Contains the exact same features as the R SERIES but has a work-time of 40 hours before replacement is needed.

3m respirator mask filter

Remember higher the N number smaller the particles it can filter out with at least a 99.997% efficiently.

P-100 filter will block 99.9% of particles .3 microns or larger.

So what the heck is a Micron?

Micron is the measure of length used to describe a tiny particle size. Micron is actually a commonly used shorthand for micrometer. A micrometre is defined as one-millionth of a meter, a little more than one twenty-five thousandth of an inch.

Here are the most common micron size particles

Mold Spores- 3 to 40 Microns

Household Dust- 0.5 to 100 Microns

Bacteria- 0.3 to 60 Microns

Viruses- .005 to .3 Microns

Smoke Particles- 01 to 4 Microns

Pollen- 10 to 1000 microns

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